Tid-Bit @ Me!

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Welcome to P.M. Photographic. My biggest goal is to make your memories last a life time! Changing life and it's focus one picture at a time. I was born and raised in Wisconsin. However, my soul always longed to live in Florida. I have been shooting film from the time my parents bought me my first camera (a Canon AE 1). I was 15 at that time. Lets just say I am older now! My inspiration comes from all different places, people, and situations that I find myself in or traveling too. Please feel free to look around , and make comments. I look forward to hearing from you!

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Sunday, January 15, 2017

Remembering ... 9-11

As part of our girls weekend we decided to visit the 9-11 memorial and museum.  New York was having a beautiful sunny fall day.  It was warm with a slight breeze felt as we exited the cab.  We arrived early on Saturday morning to the grounds. The city was quiet for New York standards.  You could hear the tide pools that now take the place of the towers. The rush of water was peaceful despite that peace there was a heaviness, and a sad emptiness here as I stood at the pools edge.  New York and all the American people who assisted in the recovery and rebuilding of these grounds did great work to honor our fallen from that horrible day.  Kristi, Beth, and myself all shared our recollections from the day as if it had just happened. We each had our own memories mine was that I was working 4 miles from President Bush when the towers were attached. He was at Booker Middle 
School reading to the kids that morning.  

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