Tid-Bit @ Me!

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Welcome to P.M. Photographic. My biggest goal is to make your memories last a life time! Changing life and it's focus one picture at a time. I was born and raised in Wisconsin. However, my soul always longed to live in Florida. I have been shooting film from the time my parents bought me my first camera (a Canon AE 1). I was 15 at that time. Lets just say I am older now! My inspiration comes from all different places, people, and situations that I find myself in or traveling too. Please feel free to look around , and make comments. I look forward to hearing from you!

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Sunday, April 11, 2010


Being in the right place at the right time is sometimes difficult when traveling. You get one time and one shot to remember the moment. It is best when shooting landscapes, portraits, and other areas of interest to capture these pics in earily morning or late afternoon. The light is softer in these hours. Not always an easy task. I was lucky with this shot of the falls. I used the light as best I could that was coming across the top of the Blue ridge Mountain range as it drifted down over the falls giving some interest to the movement of the water. That combinded with a slow shutter speed and steady hands made the water move and soften a little for me. I could have spent the whole day standing here and watching but again when traveling with loved ones somtimes you need to move a little faster. In photography it is always all about the light.

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