Tid-Bit @ Me!

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Welcome to P.M. Photographic. My biggest goal is to make your memories last a life time! Changing life and it's focus one picture at a time. I was born and raised in Wisconsin. However, my soul always longed to live in Florida. I have been shooting film from the time my parents bought me my first camera (a Canon AE 1). I was 15 at that time. Lets just say I am older now! My inspiration comes from all different places, people, and situations that I find myself in or traveling too. Please feel free to look around , and make comments. I look forward to hearing from you!

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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Double Image Overlay

Hear is something neat I learned in my reading as of late. Take two to five images via a tripod of the same subject matter. While taking them vary your shutter speed to capture all the light and shadows about your image. This gives you different exposure times. The result gets you a picture that you can take back to your digital studio and overlay them. This will create all the light and shadows to create a better picture.

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