Tid-Bit @ Me!

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Welcome to P.M. Photographic. My biggest goal is to make your memories last a life time! Changing life and it's focus one picture at a time. I was born and raised in Wisconsin. However, my soul always longed to live in Florida. I have been shooting film from the time my parents bought me my first camera (a Canon AE 1). I was 15 at that time. Lets just say I am older now! My inspiration comes from all different places, people, and situations that I find myself in or traveling too. Please feel free to look around , and make comments. I look forward to hearing from you!

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010


A path is defined as a narrow way or trail. I like to and tend to take the road less traveled. I go for the exploration in life. I have never been one to do things the easy way. In taking this path it has sometimes lead me down some rather stormy passageways. I would have to say that in doing so I have learned alot. If I had to do it all over again, all 38 years of it, I would choose the same path. I like where this narrow path has taken me today. I have great friends, an awesome husband and loving family. How many of you can truely say that? Taking the pathway less traveled may be scary at first but can turn out pretty great in the end. Live large, love loud, and cherish every moment of every day....

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